Monday, October 29, 2007

Inspiration Bracelet

I get a creative jolt from making jewelry, especially pieces featuring detailed, handmade glass beads. Since I've been making jewelry, I've met some amazingly talented glass artists.

But there's something else: I want to learn how to make glass beads.*

This bracelet was built around a Kazuri bead as the focal point. I love these beads and the story behind them. It also has clusters of handmade borosilicate glass beads. You don't notice all the colors at first, but on closer inspection you'll note a purpley royal blue in the ceramic Kazuri bead, and some blue and orange swirls in the glass teardrops.

This is one of my favorites and I can't decide whether I really want to sell it or not. At least until I sell it, maybe it will inspire me to finally take a glass class.

*Frankly, I'd love to learn to make art glass in general, but I'm not too keen about fire, and burns freak me out.

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