Squeeze a little extra sleep past the wake-up music drizzling out of the iPod.
Arise to sunshine dappling the trees - a welcome change from rainy gray starts to last several days.
Window shades up, light fills bedroom, dancing across honey-colored hardwood floors.
Read random Real Simple article about herb compatible garden plant pairings.
Saunter down to end of driveway to pick up newspaper.
Catch sight of flower beds, with past-their-prime bulb foliage reminding you to plant annuals.
Consider riot of purple and gold pansies, reminiscent of your high school colors.
Decide on petunias, purple wave, to introduce explosive unruly color.
Make mental note to stop by fairy-tale plant nursery, the one with the shady inspiration garden you can walk through on the way in to the retail area.
Add toast to the usual cereal regime of breakfast, so you can use that jam you like.
Take the few minutes to make tea, too - decide it's worth the effort.
Savor the vanilla rooibos flavor.
Finish morning primp routine and find jacket you love is back from cleaners.
Jump in car and drive two miles to work - in heavy traffic, but still easy on the gasoline budget.
Walk into office building, with the knowledge that your to-do list will flex and grow and shrink as the demands of the day require, but that you're doing your best.
LOVE the photo (the poem's pretty good too) - got any horizontal ones? I'm doing a 4-photo frame of flower photos and I just need one more....
Hm... i'll look and see if i've got any horizontal versions.
Poetry? You give me way too much credit! That was just a cataloging of my thoughts for that Friday morning. But I'm glad you enjoyed it!
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