At 9:30 a.m., I called the nearest Apple Store to ask about their inventory. While they couldn't guarantee there'd be one for me, they said they had plenty of the model we were interested in.
Hightailed it over there and got into line. While we waited, Apple store clerks told us what we needed (i.d., etc.) and thanked everyone for their enthusiasm about the product and apologized for the wait.
So often, the place where we stand in line - the DMV, jury duty processing, the bank - are really just a hassle.
People all around me were positive and happy and excited. I chatted with some interesting folks while in line. There was just a good vibe all around.
The whole process was quick and we were in and out of the store in 15 minutes. Yay!
glad you came away with a phone.
fun gizmo, eh?
Yes, Extremely fun!
Lots of time wasted on this, today... but time well spent!
Dont forget about the crazy guy behind us who waited in line for more than an hour and then disappeared when we got to about 10 people from the front.
The phone is great!
Yes, i can't think of a reason why you'd do that... unless he needed the account holder of his old phone plan present and they couldn't get there in time? Why else would you abandon the line with just minutes to go?
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