But there were five of us girlfriends there, each with her own story to catch up on, and in some cases, seek advice on.
The air was electric. I'm convinced it's the important people in our lives who make us greater than the sum of our own parts. And each of these women is remarkable on her own. But collectively, we're a supportive force to be reckoned with.
When I'm enjoying myself fully in a social situation, there's a moment where I sit back and mentally take stock of the moment.
This time, I was grateful to be part of this circle of friends, who met by chance but stayed together by choice, a bunch of early-to-bed types who started this weekend by staying up well past midnight because the energy in the air crackled and the food was beyond compare.
I made a resolution right there, that rather than veg in front of the TV, to take action and really start my weekends on Friday nights. No Ashley Paige reruns, or Project Runway obsessing, or even Jamie Oliver food shows (a staple of our weekend downtime).
That fun-filled evening laid the foundation for a restful respite from hither and yon errands, and I felt more contented than I have in a long time because I felt more fully present in each moment of the last 48 hours than I have in a long time.
What do you do, to make your weekends really last?
It does seem like when we go out and spend time with friends the weekends go by slower than when we sit at home and do nothing.
Very true, alf... it definitely makes a difference - for the better!
Hope you had a nice weekend!
I agree, friday night is officially the weekend.
Mark and I usually dine out or go to happy hour with buddies. Relaxing is key.
Nice that you had a wonderful evening, Spandrel. There is nothing like an intimate moment among friends. :-)
You're right, Kitty! Although hanging with friends sometimes gets to be a scheduling nightmare here in the 'burbs, but it's definitely worth the effort!
unfortunately (or fortunately depending on how u look at it) my weekends begin thursday night and that's why work on fridays is so brutal...
so i gotta ask - Is that photo the destination for an upcoming Spandrel vacation? i think that was an item on your list, wasn't it?
Hey, Bob C... Well, the photo was taken during my last trip to Paris. The day I went to the Eiffel Tower was completely foggy, so the view from the top was awful, but the view of the underside of the tower was incredible.
I'm still crossing my fingers that we'll spend at least a short time in spring in the the Paris.
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