Oy, what a week. Deadline upon deadline. Challenge after challenge. Confrontation and exhortations.
And through it all, did I maintain my composure? Keep my cool? Roll with it, baby?
Um, no.
I ranted. I raved. I bitched and moaned. Enough with keeping it all in. I let it all out. (Well, not all. But to my shocked and surprised cohorts, it must have sure seemed that way.)
Frankly, I am sick and tired of bottling everything up...
Of taking one for the team...
Of being a trooper, a good egg, a team player.
It's not good for my health, my heart, my creativity, my mind.
But I'm looking at the crazy-windy weather we're experiecing today as blowing away all that negative crud, breezing in new energy, wild ideas and upbeat moods.
hooray! good philosophy!
thanks, but man, some days even a good, strong breeze is no match for a crabby mood!
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