You know, that Eames couple was onto something. There's much to be said for remaining true to oneself in one's work.
Another idea I admire is giving yourself the freedom to experiment, but make it good. Don't settle for just "OK" because that's not part of who you are. (That requires really knowing who you are. Which you should. But that's another whole post.)
In the meantime, don't lose sight of the forest while you're busy picking bark off the trees, as it were.
Having a point of view helps one's judgment. Because you can say "no, that's not right," with authority and rigor.
To me, all these attributes result from flow--that rare instance when mind, body and spirit are in perfect harmony with what one is doing. Where you are doing exactly what you should be doing at a given moment.
At points when I'm creating something I'm really proud of, I totally experience this.
What about you?
Another idea I admire is giving yourself the freedom to experiment, but make it good. Don't settle for just "OK" because that's not part of who you are. (That requires really knowing who you are. Which you should. But that's another whole post.)
In the meantime, don't lose sight of the forest while you're busy picking bark off the trees, as it were.
Having a point of view helps one's judgment. Because you can say "no, that's not right," with authority and rigor.
To me, all these attributes result from flow--that rare instance when mind, body and spirit are in perfect harmony with what one is doing. Where you are doing exactly what you should be doing at a given moment.
At points when I'm creating something I'm really proud of, I totally experience this.
What about you?
The Eames' ROCK! I agree with your thoughts on the design process, the flow etc. However I thnk sometimes a point of view can be hinderance in that 'the journey is often the destination'.
Yes, but even if the journey is the destination, don't you need a point of view to know whether you're on the right path or not?
hmmmm...If having a 'point of view' means following your instincts I agree with you. If not, then I'd propose that the answer to the question is NO, you don't need a point of view to know whether you're on the right path or now simply because sometimes 'the right path' just doesnt exist. Or because any path you take is 'the right path'.
Thinking of a non-design analogy, sometimes my most enjoyable visits a new place are the ones where i leave the map and tour guide behind. wander. keep all objectives and preconceptions at bay. turn where the impulse strikes, follow an intriguing smell, stop into the gallery, pastry shop, bookstore etc that you dont recognize from the travel guides etc. Occassionally stop and observe. go with the flow or follow the next older couple walking hand in hand. i think that's why i've always found places like venice, sienna and cordoba etc totally intriguing because they foster this exploration thru design and almost encourage you to get 'lost'. Some people just don't like that and get frustrated when every street corner doesnt have a sign or a street isn't on their map. I respond with "You can't get lost when you don't have a destination!" Yeah, there are a heck of a lot of places worthy of seeking out, but when it comes to design (or dare i say life's decisions as well? hmmmm) that flow you speak of just takes you there IF/when you let it. My guess is that your favorite or most fulfilling/rewarding designs were the result of that flow and not the diligent references to the color wheel & mathematical calculations of scale and proportion etc. Perhaps the most fulfilling design endeavors aren't always the ones that result in a beautiful object but the ones
that stimulate dreams or leave you with a smile, a little extra giddyup in your step or an appreciation for a part of your environment (wow, that flower reminds me of the necklace i was designing last weekend!) that you never really took notice of before?
Having said all that, I have an inkling we may be saying the same thing, just not using the same language...
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