Thursday, December 24, 2020

Look for the merry

Like many, this year was a fiasco in terms of plans and to-do lists lining up against the reality of what was possible during a pandemic. 

My heart goes out to anyone who suffered personally by contracting this horrible virus. To anyone who lost a job. To those whose business took a direct hit from the pandemic's closures. To parents who found themselves with the additional job of teacher or classroom monitor when school went virtual -- especially those single parents who don't have a partner to share the burden.
While a daily walk outside, in the sun, or even merely within view of trees or other signs of nature, can bring a sense of calm and order in a disorderly world, it's our relationships with people that bring life to our time on this planet.

When we're able to be together under more normal circumstances, I know we'll appreciate the radiance of an in-person smile. The physical presence of others, once confined to tiny screens or beyond six feet away. The emotional connection and warmth that only a real hug can bring. 

In the meantime, we have to be patient, and tap into the stores of resilience we each have. To help others cope. To give wherever we can to those in need. To take care of ourselves and apply ingenuity in the face of these challenges. And to find the joy and merriness, however small it might be, in every day. 

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