Every year around this time, I take stock of the past 12 months.
But in the past, even when I started out reflecting on the good times, invariably I thought about what went wrong, where I could improve.
But in the past, even when I started out reflecting on the good times, invariably I thought about what went wrong, where I could improve.
That's where the resolutions factored in. And they were always short-lived.
So this year, instead of fixing what's broken and setting myself up for failure with resolutions that are too vague to accomplish, I'm taking a new approach: creating personal goals.
In creating my goals for 2008, I'm vowing to make more room for positive events, things that feed the proverbial soul.
For me, that means:
- Learning a new recipe every week.
- Seeing every movie that piques my fancy (Juno's on tap this week as well as La Vie en Rose; finally saw The Simpsons last night).
- Traveling to places that make me feel more awake and alive.
- Organizing more outings with friends.
- Spending more fun time with my niece and nephew, smart creative kids who keep me smiling.
- Adopting a better house-cleaning schedule, focusing on the relaxing sense of order that results.
- Reading more books that make me feel like writing.
- Taking a different approach to work by focusing more on learning-innovating-thriving.
- Spotting the art in everyday life.
- Enjoying the good parts of every day.
What do you want for yourself this year?
Whatever you do, I hope you derive satisfaction from achieving whatever goals you set out to accomplish, and I wish you a happy, healthy and prosperous 2008!
It is always tempting to start over this time of year - the usual: exercise more, eat less, volunteer more, speed less.
I like what my yoga teacher said in class yesterday: instead of making a silly resolution that will be broken in a day, focus on being present each moment. The past is gone and the future is an illusion; all we have is the present moment. Don't miss it!
I like your yoga teacher's "Be Present" mantra... It really does make sense!
What could be better than to pay attention and appreciate whatever is happening right now?
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