Went to the first Container Store in my area, finally, after way too much build-up. Over the holidays, my aunt had warned, "Eh, it's just another place that sells plastic stuff you could get at Target or Bed Bath & Beyond."
She was right. Although with their post-Christmas sale, I came away with a bargain haul on jewelry gift boxes and ribbon and printed tissue paper.
She was right. Although with their post-Christmas sale, I came away with a bargain haul on jewelry gift boxes and ribbon and printed tissue paper.
Basically, it's one big platform to drive you to invest in an Elfa shelving system.
Still, it's easy to catch the organization bug while you're there.
The Container Store's website had many of the things I was looking for, so I went to the store armed with a list.
And it's a good thing I was determined to stick to it, because it's easy to be lured into thinking you need everything in each aisle, organized by setting as it is.
I managed to escape without purchasing a whole new set of canisters for the kitchen. Glass, plastic, screw-top lidded, vacuum-sealed, they have 'em all.
Or paperclip holders for the office (but really, how many paperclips do you use these days?).
Or a document box made out of flimsy cardboard imported from England, retailing for $24.99.
But I did buy these file folders (on sale!) because they're in one of my favorite shades of green, and the circles were cool.
I'm very much a visual person. If I put it in a folder, I feel like it's disappeared. So, I don't like desks or folders or the wire things that hold folders upright on one's desk. I don't like flat files either.
Boxes are okay, and baskets.
At work, I use the Pile Method. It's not the tidiest looking way, but it works for me!
Nice folders, though. I can see the appeal
Thanks, Kitty!
I'm a former Pile Method devotee, but I think the years of living with a guy who's neat and tidy are finally having an impact.
Isn't the closest Container Store all the way over in Jersey? I love those stores too - I miss the Organized Living store that used to be on the first floor of The Court at King of Prussia.
Also, if you are looking for shelving/cabinets, check out www.spacesavers.com - I bought two of the ones with doors on and had a handyman cut out the drywall to install them IN the wall instead of ON the wall. Works well in the narrow space between the wall leading to the living room and the door to the basement.
Yes the closest Container Store is in NJ... it's near my aunt's house, so not that inconvenient.
I'll have to check out the spacesavers website - thanks, Steph!
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