Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Pie That Satisfies

With Thanksgiving around the corner, that reminds me...

If you're wondering what to serve after the turkey and cranberries this year (oh, and the stuffing - can't forget the stuffing!), consider purchasing a dessert that provides nourishment for another family at the same time.

In her comments on Pie Vs. Cake, Stephanie mentions her plan to purchase pies from Manna.

Based in Philadelphia, Manna is a community-focused organization that serves people living with HIV/AIDS, cancer and life-threatening illness in Eastern Pennsylvania and South Jersey. This organization and its incredibly giving volunteers - some 97% of its workforce - delivers nutritious meals to people who need it most.

By purchasing your Thanksgiving pies through their Pie in the Sky events, your donation can help feed another family.

Not big on pies? Living outside the Philadelphia area? There are many other ways to support this amazing organization.

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