Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Good Things

Lavender buds.
Friends you've had since you were six.
Colorful textiles.
Electric blue patent leather handbags.
Knives with heft.
Tomatoes so good you eat them like apples.
Walking under a canopy of trees.
Cheerful banter.
Seeing with fresh eyes.
Knowing someone understands you.
The unexpected Roz Chast cartoon.
The foam at the edge of a crashing wave.
Good sleeping weather.
Spotting a cache of butterflies.
Being pleasantly surprised.
The glide of a pen over smooth paper.
A perfect cartwheel.
Bananas with no spots.
Undulating waves of flowers planted by someone who cares.
Using your strengths.
Biding your time.
Biting your tongue.
A coupon you forgot you had.
Well-worn shirts.
Oft-read books.


Kitty said...

wonderful list, Spandrel!

I've read that taking stock of the positives around you only increases the number of them. Seeing the world with eyes of gratitude is so healthy.

It's all too easy to miss these simple pleasures. I think it's a real mark of maturity to notice these details.

Anonymous said...

Well, thanks Kitty!

I've never been one for those "gratitude journals" or anything like that, but I think I read something similar in Real Simple last week that said that the act of feeling grateful for things can instantly reduce your stress or lift your mood (can't remember which).

I've tried it several times over the last week, and it's definitely true!

And, it's funny... here, I started by concentrating on a couple of objects and images that made me smile, and soon naturally drifted into more abstract concepts and ideas and friends.

Amazing what you learn about yourself when you stop and think, huh?

Kitty said...

true, and it always interests me, to what degree our experience is colored by our perception. The outside world, or our experience of it, it so affected by our internal world, which we are in control of.

I don't think it's easy. We live in a time of many images and advertising. We're so often reminded of 'what we don't have', and other peoples' lifestyles.

Here's to taking stock and giving thanks.